Registry Recommendations

I am expert on this, only as far as having two children and doing an absurd amount of research can provide, but here are the registry recommendations I have based on our kiddos! Hopefully something in here is helpful!

Where to register: I vote for Babylist because you can pull from any site, however if something is out of stock on a partner site, you might not know about it. Amazon has a promotion where if you create a registry, you also get a discount on completing eligible items on the registry after your due date.

Crib - You need a crib, but it doesn't need to be fancy. Lots of people rave about the Ikea Sniglar, which is a cheap and functional option. Other furniture companies - Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, West Elm, etc. all have cribs and many furniture stores carry Davinci which is a common brand. One thing to consider when deciding what crib is right for you, is if you want it to be "convertible" to a Toddler bed. If you do choose a bed that is convertible, you may want to consider ordering the bed rails when you order the bed in the case that it is discontinued when you need the rails. Our plan was to use twin/full bed when our kiddo got bigger, so as only to have one bed transition, and then we could use the crib for another baby. We did this with JF at 2.5yo and he LOVES his big kid bed, but I have friends who's kids are way older than that and still in their cribs.

Crib Mattress - We got this one from Amazon for JF, but just got this one for peace of mind with HC. It is nice that it is completely washable (and yes, I was shocked by how expensive these things are too)

Bassinet - While not 100% necessary, we found a bassinet was really helpful in the initial days when we came home from the hospital. We used a cradle my mom built for us once we were settled at home, but also used the Bassinet attachment for the Guava Play Yard before we put the baby in the cradle. We really liked it, but would recommend something you can see through or directly into for the first few weeks because it is scary at first bringing home a baby :). Some like the Halo Bassinet or this one looks nice too in my opinion. For a cheaper and more storable option, this also looks nice. Bottom line, you don't use this for very long, but it's important to make you feel comfortable bringing home baby.

Sheets - You only need two to three of these max. We have some from Serena and Lily and some of these Burt’s Bees Organic ones, but honestly anywhere is great. 

Monitor - We LOVE our Nanit Monitor. At first it bothered me that it didn't have a dedicated "parent unit" but we use an old iPhone and attached it to this stand, and it works great. We have the floor stand because we didn't want to attach it to the wall and the multi stand for travel. Highly recommend. Also, they came out with something called "Breathing wear" and it can monitor your baby's breathing, which is really cool. I bought the wraps for JF, and we loved the peace of mind of knowing he was breathing - we only had two false alarms in ~2yrs. We have had no false alarms in the 11+mo with HC. I was originally interested in the Owlet (foot heart rate monitor) but I heard there are a lot of false alarms, which would give me more anxiety than I already had bringing home baby. The Nanit insights are really interesting and helpful. We also use Wyze Cameras for JF now that he’s in a big kid bed, and have one for while traveling. They are cheap and easy to set up - would definitely recommend.

Sound Machine - We have the Hatch Rest Light, and it works great for sound machine in our kiddos room. For travel, we use the Marpac Rohm or Hush. I would not recommend the Dohm, it did not get loud enough. We still use the Hatch Rest for JF as a ready to wake light, and got another one for HC. Honestly, I want one for our room too because we love the white noise now :)

Changing Pad - Boy or girl, babies will pee when you're changing them. JF peed honestly every time we changed him for FAR TOO LONG. I would 1000% recommend a plastic changing pad. We have the Hatch Baby Grow changing pad which has a scale built in. This was CLUTCH for the early days of breastfeeding because I could weigh him before and after a feed to gauge how much he ate. Another popular one is the Keekaroo Peanut, but for essentially the same price (also ridiculous), I would just go with the Hatch because the scale will give you peace of mind if you're nursing. We used these changing pad liners because we were worried JF was getting cold when we changed him. They come in packs of three, I think we ended up with 6 and would do laundry daily - they are also handy to put under baby when doing tummy time if they are spit up prone.

Dresser - Do not bother getting a baby specific one or anything. A regular dresser with the changing pad on top will be great. Just measure that it will be wide enough for the changing pad. You will also want something to keep wipes and to keep the diapering essentials all together. We got this SkipHop thing and this Oxo wipe holder. You don't need a wipe warmer.

Play Mat - We love this playmat from Lovevery - it is so awesome and has instructions for use for every age. This is one of the essentials in my book. We also got one of these Gathre mats, which is really helpful for on the go since it wipes clean with Clorox wipe etc. I would definitely recommend getting one of these in the Mini size - good for inside, but also outside.

Toys - You don't need a ton of toys, but one of the best gifts we received is the bi-monthly Lovevery Play Kit Subscription. It includes developmentally appropriate toys, and instructions on how to engage the baby with them. We are still playing with yoys from his very first box (over 4 years ago). They are great quality, and give you confidence on how to play with your baby from Day 1. I get irrationally excited when the new boxes come. I would 100% put this on your registry or ask for it from a grandparent or something. We’ve gotten the subscription through the 3-4yo ones, and they are all so great.

Baby Books - You also don't need a ton of books, but highly recommend getting a bunch of board books for baby. Once they start trying to eat them, it will be great they are Board Books.

Baby Carrier - OK. I have a lot of thoughts on carriers. I wasn't that into "baby wearing" originally it sounds pretty crunchy, but honestly, it worked so well to calm down both of my kids during developmental leaps and especially with a second kid so I could have free hands. I cannot even tell you how much I love wearing my babes. Below are the carriers we have had and tried. Yes - I went overboard. No - you do not need all of these, but I would definitely get one or two - a sling or k’tan and that is more structured/supportive.

  • Baby K'Tan - Really great when baby is really really small. Easy to put on and baby is very close and cozy. It's annoying that there are different "sizes" especially if you and your partner are very different sizes. We stopped using this around 3 months. I didn't love how it stretched as he grew. I liked this more than a Solly wrap since there are two loops and not a long piece of material to learn how to tie.

  • Baby Bjorn Mini - really great for a more structured carrier that is very easy and quick to put on. Sometimes the baby doesn't love the structure, but this is very comfortable and good for a "click and go." I liked that baby can face in or out in this. 

  • ErgoBaby 360 - This is your standard baby carrier but it felt way to bulky for the itty baby, even though it is allowed to be used from birth. We just started using this for my husband to carry JF facing out. Lots of support, but just didn't feel right until he was bigger.

  • Sakura Bloom Ring Sling - I love these, as do my kids. They can be used from Birth until 35lbs, and I probably could have gotten this from Day 1 instead of the K’tan. It can be used legs in or out for the itty baby, and then facing in or out when they are bigger. HC LOVES this still and it is good to throw on to get an extra hand instead of carrying him around the house sometimes. We have the silk ones which are super supportive.

  • Sakura Bloom Scout - Lighter profile but very supportive carrier. Really versatile and feels as supportive as the ErgoBaby, but not as bulky. I really like for travel because it packs up small

  • Colugo - I like that you can unstrap baby without unhooking the entire thing. There are also useful pouches and a head cover. I got one used for my second, and it’s really comfortable.

  • Artipoppe Zeitgeist - this is the most ridiculously expensive carrier, but arguably the one I have used the most with HC. SO Comfortable from baby when they're bigger and face out. I love this carrier.

  • Ergo Embrace - this one came out around the time I had HC, and I wanted to get one, but already (as you can tell) had a few too many.

Baby Clothes - You will get a bunch, but you don't need that much. I wouldn't register for too many newborn clothes since the baby will grow out of them so quickly. Once the baby gets bigger, we LOVE the Baby Mori Pajamas. You only really need 4 pairs - we have ordered one of these for each size (0-3, 3-6, etc). They don't shrink, and last throughout the entire age range so far (and all have lasted through HC too). This wasn't the case with some of the other PJ brands we tried. I would also recommend some kimono style onesies, because putting the shirts over babies heads can be nerve racking when they're so new.

Bath Tub - Lots of options here. We had the Boon tub and liked it, but it broke - so we got the Frida Baby Bath for HC and I hated it - the sling was oddly short and it didn’t look like she was comfortable. My mom has the Skip Hop Whale thing and that's also great - really like the sling feature. We ended up getting AngelCare one with HC after I hated the other one, so would definitely recommend it. It works well if you have two kids because then they can bathe together if needed. It's important to think about where you're going to bathe baby. We washed JF in the Boon on the counter until he was about 4mo when he started splashing and making a mess because it was too uncomfortable to lean over the large lip of our tub. The AngelCare would be good if you will use your tub always since you fill the tub with water, and the baby sits on the thingy in the tub. Puj Flyte is also popular, and this looks like another good option. Bottom line, the little baths are more water efficient since you don't have to fill the whole bath tub and you can use them on another surface. There are bath supports for in the tub, and there are more space efficient options that fold, but all are great - just consider what's most important to you. You may also see these flower things for bathing baby, and we never really used it for bathing, but found it really helpful to set up for putting our babies on after the bath. It was nice to not put them on a hard surface, and now I use it to kneel on too. 

Wash Cloths - Get 4-6. You use at least two per bath, and it's nice to have a few on hand in case there's an emergency bath or you don't do laundry one day.

Baby Towels - This Little Unicorn one is really plush, and really like this Parachute one. We have too many of these - just need one or two - baby will poop or pee on it regularly, so keep that in mind - and honestly, you can always just use a regular freaking towel.

Burp Cloths - Do not skimp on these. These little buggers puke everywhere. My favorite ones are these Reusable Diaper Inserts or these Burts Bees Ones. The reusable diapers are probably my favorite - 2 packs of those should be plenty.

Stroller - Everyone has an opinion on this, but we love our Uppababy Vista. We went with the Vista over the Cruz because of the larger wheels and better suspension, and the option to add another seat in the future for an expanding brood. It's not a small stroller and takes up a lot of space, but it also comes with the bassinet, which is key in the first few weeks at home since you can use it as the baby's bassinet for sleep overnight too. We also have the Uppababy Minu for travel which has been a critical part of our caravan for both kids. It has attachments for the baby carseat, and it’s also still great for JF. We also bought the travel backpack for it. We also considered the BabyZen YoYo, but it didn’t work as well with the Mesa Carseat we had. I have also seen great things about the Nuna TRVL stroller and it appears to have a great single hand fold, and works with the Nuna Pipa. It also looks like it comes with a travel bag which is handy. We just got a Double Thule for both kids, and I wish I'd gotten it sooner. If I were to really think back to the beginning, I wish I had considered the Bugaboo Donkey a bit more because it is side by side with two kids as opposed to the Vista which is one over the other. The Bugaboo is just a lot more expensive up front, but I think it evens out over time.

Carseat - Ultimately, all carseats have to pass rigorous testing to be safety rated, so from a safety perspective, they are all more than adequate. When it comes to the other features, compatibility with other travel systems (strollers etc), ease of install and size adjustment, and ability to use without a base (for travel purposes) are the criteria to evaluate for your family. We went with the Uppababy Mesa, lots of folks love the Nuna Pipa. We went with the Mesa since it was one hand in and out of the stroller which is super handy. It is also really easy to install, with or without a base. Both are highly rated safety wise. The Nuna is also able to be used with the Uppababy Stroller with an adapter. Both can be used in an Uber without the base. JF hated the carseat, and if HC had hated the Mesa too, I was going to get the ClekThere are so many good options though, MaxiCosi, Clek, Graco, Chicco, Britax etc. The Doona is another option that combines a carseat and a stroller, and is a great option for travel or city living.

Blankets - You will get a ton of swaddles etc. They are handy when baby is little, but you don't need too many. I would say one set of Aiden and Anais is probably all you need. I have SO many muslin swaddles now from JF and some we got for HC, and I seriously have only used one or two. 

Swaddles - There are more products to "support baby sleep" than you can imagine. I have learned first hand that there are not many expenses parents will spare when trying to get the baby to sleep. We ended up using and loving the Ollie Swaddles. Swaddles are really only used for the first 3 months or until they can roll - which is different for all babies. Some swaddles are "sized" and baby will grow out of them before they are 3 months and need the bigger size. Ollie Swaddles are designed to be used from birth until they aren't needed any more. You can get them nice and tight so baby doesn't escape, and we found them easy to change in the middle of the night. I wouldn't recommend the zip swaddles (look like little pods) since some babies (aka JF) would get his hands free and wake himself up. Other Swaddle Brands we tried and liked - SwaddleMe (had to size up), Halo (never fit JF quite right and was overwhelming at first), Nested Bean (hated the velcro set up - also would not recommend the weighted swaddle), Woombie (JF got himself out of this). Some brands like the Love to Dream allow for babies arms up, but you really won't know what baby likes until they're here. I would recommend getting 2 of the Ollie Swaddles, and then if you need to switch it up you need to - babies will poop or pee through their clothes when sleeping, so you will need two, trust me. For HC, we have exclusively used the Nanit BreathWear swaddles. The Velcro SUCKS and wears out, but we really liked the ability to see her breathing. 

SnuggleMe Organic? Dock a tot? - We used a SnuggleMe Organic in the bassinet when we first brought JF home. All of these things have warnings that you cannot use them in a bassinet, but so many people do this. We felt comfortable with the SnuggleMe because he couldn't really get his face next to the material and it prevented him from rolling which he tried to do as a little bean in his swaddle. We only used this for the first 8 weeks. A friend gave us their Dock A Tot and we used it for a few weeks, but then a sleep consultant got me really nervous about using it because his face was right up against it, and I was nervous about suffocation, so we stopped using it. With HC, we only used the SnuggleMe Organic as a place to put the baby when we were downstairs, she’s never slept on it, and she’s slept better then JF by ALL accounts.

BabyChair/Rocker - With JF we had the Bloom Chair which I chose because folds flat and is portable - but I didnt use it nearly enough because of the harness - I would not recommend this one. We got the Baby Bjorn one for HC and we use it all the time more. We didn't get a Nuna Leaf or Mamaroo, not necessary in my opinion.

Play Yard - We got the Lotus Guava Pack and Play and it is great. Stores really small, easy to assemble, and the bassinet was a very handy feature, but was an additional cost. I have seen good things about the Bjorn and the Graco ones too.

On-the-go Diapering  - You will need a changing pad and diaper things on the go - we got this for my husband and he really likes it. I just use a cosmetic bag (for the record I got this for ~$20 and was appalled to discover they charge $65 for this), with plastic liner filled with diapers, butt creamwet bag, and a Gathre micro+ mat.

Bottles - We started with the Dr Browns, but there are so many damn parts. We ended up switching to get the Avent Glass Bottles, and are really happy with them. This set would be a good starter set, it comes with the Newborn Nipples you will need, but eventually, you will use bigger bottles and will probably want to get 2 more large bottles - we prepare 3 7oz bottles a day for the nanny. There are two fewer pieces per bottle, which when you are using a lot of them, is a big deal. Get one of these Boon Grass things. They are great for drying bottles and the Twig is handy for nipples and nooks. We also have these ComoTomo ones, but just stick with the Avent.

Bottle Warmer - We didn't end up getting one of these with JF, but bought the Avent one for HC and would definitely recommend.

Formula Things - If you are choosing to bottle feed, the BabyBrezza is supposedly a Nespresso for Formula and really handy. We are still breastfeeding, so don't see the need, but I heard a friend recommend registering for it in the event breastfeeding doesn't work, you can always return it and get something else. All of the moms who bottle-fed in my mom's group were obsessed with it.

Nooks - So many people are all about those WubbaNubs, but I found them kind of gross. Who knows what gets on those stuffed animals. You cannot really clean them as easily as you can a regular nook, idk I just couldn't get into them. We loved these Bibs Nooks. The ones the hospital gives you and the WubbaNub nook fell out of JF too easily, and these stayed in better. Definitely baby preference, which is a pain - but this is a sampler pack that could be a good option if you’re trying to find what baby likes.

New Mom Things - 

  • Get a big ass water bottle - you will never know thirst until you're breastfeeding. The Stanley Cups are very IN right now, but I love the Owala or Yeti ones. Owala is my current favorite because you can use the straw or the guzzle opening.

  • Nursing Bras - I found these really helpful in the first few weeks. They aren't the cutest, but being able to pull aside instead of unlatch was very helpful. This time I am obsessed with the Larken Bras. They are SO comfortable. I also got these from Bodily, but I don’t love them as much.

  • Nursing Sports Bras These are incredibly comfortable and supportive.

  • Fridet - You will want this. Trust.

  • Hand Pump - even if you get a pump from insurance, get this hand pump. it's super helpful. You can also ask the Lactation Consultants in the hospital - with HC, the Lactation Consultant gave me one.

  • Passive Pump - The Haakaa or Elvie Curve. Not to be skipped. Extremely helpful when starting out breastfeeding. With HC, the Elvie Curve is the number one most used product I’ve got. I use it for two feedings a day, and got a stock of breast milk without ever pumping.

  • Feeding Cover - This MilkSnob thing is handy, and can be used as a carseat cover if needed - not necessary. This cover is also really light weight and handy. But bottom line, you can always use a muslin blanket. My mom ended up getting me an Amaa cover and it is AMAZING, absolutely recommend.

  • Nipple Butter - Earth Mama Nipple Butter is great you cannot have enough of this stuff in the first few weeks. Put this on all the time, and bring with you to the hospital.

  • Nipple Pads - You can get the disposable ones which I would recommend for the first bit of time while you're feeding every few hours and at risk of breeding Thrush, but overtime, you can use these reusable ones and buy a bunch.

  • Shellies - A friend recommended these to me, and I LOVED them for the first few days of breastfeeding. They are so great when your nipples hurt and are chapped to prevent anything from touching them. You need to be careful to not wear too much so that theres no thrush, but they are great. Would HIGHLY recommend.

Breastfeeding Pillow - If you are choosing to breastfeed, the My BrestFriend Pillow is amazing. I would get a hospital cover for it so you can just wipe it down - there will be blowouts and other incidents on it, so being able to wipe down was super handy, and wash whatever blanket you want to use. I would also bring this to the hospital with you, it was extremely helpful to have with HC. Otherwise, you will try to prop pillows all around you in the hospital and not get comfortable using it.

Highchair - Not something you need to think about right away, but a highchair will be necessary at some point. The Tripp Trapp by Stokke is admittedly one of the priciest, but it is also one of the longest lasting products you can get. It is adjustable for all age ranges, and will support proper posture while eating - and it's the most visually appealing. We're still using this with JF, and we bought a second hand one off of FB Marketplace for the baby. This Inglesina Fast chair is also great, but the experts say baby needs to rest his or her feet on something so put a stool or chair underneath - we didn’t use this much when JF was first eating, but DEFINITELY once he got comfortable, it was a lifesaver. 

Diapers - Do not buy too many of these before the baby comes. You don't know how fast the baby will grow out of the Newborn size to the size 1 etc. We love the Coterie brand (they hold so much and we’ve had very few blowouts or leaks - even overnight) but they are some of the most expensive on the market. Any diaper that works for you is great.